Sonntag, 16. Dezember 2007

Barossa Valley

The Barossa Valley is the largest wine producing region in Australia. I took a guided tour to this Valley.

The first stop was at the Millbrook Reservoir. There is a dam and the interesting thing is, you can whisper on one side of the dam and you hear it very clearly on the other side of the dam! That is cool! I am wondering if it is the same with the Swiss dams.
Totally, we stopped at four wineries. I am a little bit disappointed of these wines. They are not really good or if they are then its 100$ a bottle... I had a good rose but thats it. These wines are not really my cup of tea. I think I will go to a big wine center here in Adelaide. They have all wines from South Australia. Maybe I find there a good one.

In the group were couples aged 40 and up. I was the only alone travelling and less than 40 years aged tour member. However, there was also a very friendly Swiss couple who lives in Melbourne.

It was interesting to see this small wineries, to see the grapes, the shops and the valley. I think the tour was not bad. In Switzerland, I would never do a wine tour, I think! :-)

I will look up for other Australian wines…

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

das mit de Staumuur i de Schwiiz möcht ich au gern wüsse. Villicht chömer das emol zäme uusprobiere z.B. bi de Grande Dixence!Det hämer jo schomol zwee Alöif gno zum ufecho -chasch di no erinnere?!?

Andreas Haegi hat gesagt…

ich weiss ned so raecht, ich mag mich scho a gwuessi staumuure i de schwiiz erinnere... aber weli wo wie was gsi isch weiss ich nueme!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Saluti Andy, ich schicke dir en liebe Gruess us Lozane City, da isch es chalt (Bise) und düschter... drum freu ich mich ja so, dini Fotene az'luege, die mached eim Hoffnig, dass de Summer au do wieder mal wird cho. Ich bin gschpannt, wasd no so wirsch brichte uf dim Blog.


PS: Bring mir bitte so es chliises süesses Känguru mit wie uf dinere Foti!! :]

lea hat gesagt…

vilicht wirds ja doch no öpis mit dem Streichelzoo ;-)