Samstag, 8. Dezember 2007

Kangaroo Island (Part 1?)

I booked a tour to Kangaroo Island (KI) for Thursday evening to Saturday morning.

The bus from the fairy picked me up in Adelaide and drove 2 hours to the fairy. One hour later, I was on KI, in Penneshaw!
I checked in to the Youth Hostel and looked for the next pub. That was not easy to find, because in Penneshaw has one YHA, one Hotel, one Restaurant, one Shop and one Pub! That is all on two streets, maybe 500 m length.

The bad part of the sortie is, that on this Thursday was a storm on the island and flashes made 14 bushfires on the island! One fire fighter died. I sited outside of the pub and the wind blowed from the direction that the fire was. You smelled the fog and ash was everywhere, on the skin, on the clothes and on the table. Well, that is why I started to drink my beer a little bit faster than usually, because I don-t like ash in the beer. The inhabitants told some scary stories about this bushfire but in the end we had a lot of fun with them.

On the Friday morning told us the tour guide that it is not possible to go to the western of the island. We had three options: 1. take the fairy back. 2. Take the shorter tour only on the eastside of the island or 3. Wait and take the tour tomorrow, what I did.

I spend the day with a little hike to the Iron Hill. I seen some more Kangaroos, spiders, eagles, dolphins, a saurian, death penguins and some old stuff from 18??. It was a nice hike. The afternoon I spent at the beach but it was cloudy and to cold for a swim. In the evening was a guided penguin-tour. In KI lives the smallest penguins and in the darkness, they come to the land. And we saw some…

On Saturday, all tours to and on the Island are cancelled. I took the Fairy back and went to Adelaide.

Yes, I got back some money from the Travel agency!!!

In the end, I like to see KI once again, but without fire. There are so many more things to see. But it is a bit expensive to go there… well, maybe in two years…?

3 Kommentare:

lea hat gesagt…
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lea hat gesagt…

oops, da isch öpis schief gloffe! Also nomal:

Ich wür dir en zweite Fähritransport uf Kangaroo Island gern uf Wiehnacht schänke: also, wenn d no Ziit gfindsch: gang nomal!

Andreas Haegi hat gesagt…

isch tuer! wurkli! mal gugge was es suscht no fuer toure hed da i de noechi. chunsch besser mit s naechscht mal!