Freitag, 15. Februar 2008

last entry

c u @ Home!!!


Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008

last days in Sydney

Sydney is still rainy and I'm a bit unmotivated to do great things... I met some people again, who I met 2 weeks ago in Sydney. Today I spend my day with Kenjiro, who I met in Perth. We walked around a bit.
I hope the weather tomorrow is good enough for going to the beach.

I start to get happy that I can go home. It's more a waiting in Sydney than an enjoying of the city... I would go to Eumundi again, up to cairns, to Darwin, to the Uluru and back to West Australia, I want spend more time in Melbourne... But now, I'm here in rainy Sydney... well I now that I'm not the last time in this beautiful continent...
Where shall I go next time? start in Perth and take a motor home to go up to Darwin...? Sounds good, isn't it? We will see...

Montag, 11. Februar 2008


Well, I leave Brisbane today with the bus to Sydney.
Actually, I wanted to do a trip to Fraser Island or somewhere else at the Gold Coast, but this weekend was Chinas new Year and there was not one free seat on any tour! That’s why I stood a bit longer in Brisbane. But Brisbane is a nice City with some nice things to do. It was good to be here for three days.

I’m a bit sad now because I have to be at the airport in exactly 100 hours! And I’m a bit happy to see my girlfriend, family and friends again this week. And I’m very happy to go skiing next week! I hope there is still enough snow in the mountains…

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2008

Shopping Day

I'm just a victim of the capitalism...

Freitag, 8. Februar 2008


I arrived in Brisbane 2 Days ago and asked how do I get to Eumundi? After an hour train and about 3 hours bus drive, I got it! Hanspeter took me to his home. Its Hugh! He has a lot of land, rainforest, some cows, chickens and a big, nice house! Well, and a very friendly family too!

Yesterday he brought me to the beach in Noosa for swim. And we watched an movie in the evening.

This morning I took the train from Eumundi to Brisbane, it took only two hours! But the train goes only twice a day…! I’m now in Brisbane and looking for a trip in this area.

And I think I survived my cold which I got from Byron Bay… J

Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2008

leave byron

Now I had 5 days full of rain in Byron Bay. I hoped that I could do the skydiving yesterday, but no way! They called my at 10 O’Clock that its maybe possible at 12… at 12 they called my and told me I can wait until 2… at 2 the weather was looking better but they told me they fly maybe at 4… at 4 they told me that they don’t fly!
I have to check out here in the Arts Factory and the angry part is, that the sun is shining today!!! I’m thinking about to cancel my bus and go today to the skydive but the bus is already payed and Hanspeter waits for my today in Eumundi.
Hm I ponder about it.

Montag, 4. Februar 2008


Nimbin is a small village where you can buy hemp on the streets. Nimbin is a synonym for the fight to legalization the cannabis. It started in the 60’s where the people looked for a place to organize an anti-war festival. Some of this people are still in Nimbin and didn’t realized that the festival is finished… well the story behind is that on this festival, the police arrested two people because they consumed marihuana. The day after, the other thousands of people went to the police station and disrobe this two guys. (there are only two policemen in Nimbin…). Since then, that’s what the story tells, they celebrate the fight against the low…

The tour took as in about one hour to Nimbin, we spend there 90 minutes, that’s more than you need to see the village, including all hemp shops, the hemp museum and the cafes. After that we drove to a park with a waterfall and because of the rain in the last two month here, the waterfall was big! After the Aussi BBQ we went back to Byron Bay and I hope now, that my Skydive tomorrow will work…

Sonntag, 3. Februar 2008

no Skydiving today

rain, rain, rain and again rain...
so, i will go shopping and sleep a bit in the wet tippi!

Samstag, 2. Februar 2008

Surf Trip to Byron Bay

I left Sydney without doing any great things. I had a good time with some guys from the hostel... :-)

Well, the trip took 5 day and 4 nights. First we went to the Surf Camp, about 3 hours from Sydney. Then we drove about 3 to 5 hours a day and stopped on some beaches for surf lessons and surfs. I learned how to catch a broken wave, an unbroken wave, how to stand up, how to move left and right, what a good wave is... the practice is not so easy as it sounds.
sometimes when you paddle out there away from the beach, then you just want relax on your board, sit there in the peace of the ocean!
Now, after several dips of saltwater, experience in human wash machine, and some seconds wave riding i feel tired but lucky!
If Switzerland has a sea, I'm sure that I would continue...
The last night in Byron Bay with the surf crew was a big party. they took us to the best places and discos, without entry or waiting to get in. I felt like a VIP! :-)

Now I stay in a absolutely fabulous Hostel, called the arts factory. I sleep in a 8 bed tippy! Jiiiippiii.... There is a lot to do in Byron Bay and I hope you will read it the next days... (Nimbim is not far away...!!!)