Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2008

last days in Sydney

Sydney is still rainy and I'm a bit unmotivated to do great things... I met some people again, who I met 2 weeks ago in Sydney. Today I spend my day with Kenjiro, who I met in Perth. We walked around a bit.
I hope the weather tomorrow is good enough for going to the beach.

I start to get happy that I can go home. It's more a waiting in Sydney than an enjoying of the city... I would go to Eumundi again, up to cairns, to Darwin, to the Uluru and back to West Australia, I want spend more time in Melbourne... But now, I'm here in rainy Sydney... well I now that I'm not the last time in this beautiful continent...
Where shall I go next time? start in Perth and take a motor home to go up to Darwin...? Sounds good, isn't it? We will see...

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