Samstag, 2. Februar 2008

Surf Trip to Byron Bay

I left Sydney without doing any great things. I had a good time with some guys from the hostel... :-)

Well, the trip took 5 day and 4 nights. First we went to the Surf Camp, about 3 hours from Sydney. Then we drove about 3 to 5 hours a day and stopped on some beaches for surf lessons and surfs. I learned how to catch a broken wave, an unbroken wave, how to stand up, how to move left and right, what a good wave is... the practice is not so easy as it sounds.
sometimes when you paddle out there away from the beach, then you just want relax on your board, sit there in the peace of the ocean!
Now, after several dips of saltwater, experience in human wash machine, and some seconds wave riding i feel tired but lucky!
If Switzerland has a sea, I'm sure that I would continue...
The last night in Byron Bay with the surf crew was a big party. they took us to the best places and discos, without entry or waiting to get in. I felt like a VIP! :-)

Now I stay in a absolutely fabulous Hostel, called the arts factory. I sleep in a 8 bed tippy! Jiiiippiii.... There is a lot to do in Byron Bay and I hope you will read it the next days... (Nimbim is not far away...!!!)

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