Samstag, 26. Januar 2008


I start to like Sydney when it is sunny. Sydney is a party place with a lot of crazy and ,I think, also a lot of stupid people!
Today is Australian Day. The full day are free concerts in the city, firework in the evening, jets flying around and a lot of people wearing Aussie-shirts, heads, flags and other funny things with the Aussie-flag. I enjoy also the weather today. It's good fun.

2 Kommentare:

lea hat gesagt…

want news!

Anonym hat gesagt…

ich warte au uf news.. schliesslich hämmer zahlt für das :-)
und ich hett na gern so en iiheimische usem Busch uf de Föteli! han bis jetzt na keine entdeckt.. Gruss cf aus K.a.R.