Samstag, 5. Januar 2008


I jointed the Confest for a week and it was really great fun. The ConFest is a Festival, it started over 30 years ago from the organisation called “Down To Earth”. The spirit of the Festival is still the same. It is a non commercial Festival where everyone can be and do what he likes to do. Everyone is accepted. That’s the spirit of the Hippies!

You could do a lot of Workshops each day. The workshops were Yoga, Tree Hugging, Story Telling, Tantra, etc. Because it was all days about 40 degrees, I was under the weather to do a workshop! I joined only once the Yoga in the morning. But there were so many other people that I hadn’t enough space to do these movements.

The highest temperature was about 44 degrees. But it was not so hard. We had a river to cool down and enough cold drinks.

One adventure I had: We were sitting for a breakfast with our neighbours as we saw a snake coming out of a stump. It was a brown snake, one of the ten most poison snakes. Well, what will an Australian do? Inform someone that he should inform someone other to bring a snake hunter. This takes its time. So we took our chairs, seated around the stomp and adverted to the people who waked next to the stomp. This was a cool job! Sitting there, watching the snake, drinking beer… after some hours, the snake hunter arrived and took the snake at the tail end and walked away with it. That’s it. J

Now I’m back in the civilisation and stay some more days at Olly’s home in Melbourne. Olly lives over an hour with the train from the centre. I will explore it from here a little bit. But, I think, next week I will go to a backpacker in Melbourne city to explore the city centre a little bit more and planing the trip to Sydney in the middle of January.

4 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

Die Fotos des Great Ocean Road sind jetzt im Album. Bin besonders stolz auf die 12 Apostel-Fotos...!!!!

lea hat gesagt…

44 Grad! Herrjee, das hett ich ja chuum überläbt! Stell dir vor ich wär debii xi! Hetsch mich ja daurend vom Zämeklappe müse rette - da wird mir ja scho halb trümmlig nume vom dra dänke! *phu*

D Föteli sind ächt de Hammer!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Ein riesiges Komplement. Bin sehr beeindruckt von deinen super Fotos und hoffe dass du sie mit der grossen Kamera aufgenommen hast!

Anonym hat gesagt…

Cool that scool time, your English performance is nearly perfect, your pictures are too. Bring me to that rainbow!