Mittwoch, 7. November 2007

first full day

Today, at breakfast, I remembered why I booked the hotel without breakfast: The hotel charges 10$ for a fruit salad, a cup of tea and toast... usually I just need the tea and bread, makes 3.99$. And here is a free hint for you:
Never try vegemite!!!
Maybe it sounds good for a vegetarian but you really cannot eat that shit!!! Cannot be possible that any human being can eat something like this!

After breakfast I started to walk around in Perth for more than 2 h. I visited the Swan Bells. That’s a tower, where the old bells from an old church are exposed. I met a German girl, who works there, and she told me some things about Perth. She also worked for a YMCA before and told me stories about bad bugs in beds there. Never the less, she was friendly enough to tell me how I can find out weather there are fucking bugs in my bed or not... Well, now I am a bit afraid of youth hotels! After that shock I really needed a little siesta at the hotel!

In the afternoon I walked another 2 h around, mostly in the same streets! Now I know every little street in the shopping area. I also found a supermarket and suddenly I wanted to try what Australian gold cheese with "authentic swiss recipe" is: its real cheese! So, that was my first full day in Perth and I hope somewhere to get a beer now...

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