Montag, 19. November 2007

Monkey Mia

Hey all out there!

This is my story about Monkey Mia, where I have seen a baby dolphin, touched kangaroos, feed an emu and had a snake on my head... but one by one:

The day before

I wanted to go for a beer in a bar. So I went. I planed to be in bed on time but it was not so easy as it seemed to be... A Russian woman took the seat next to mine. She told me, that she had lost her mobile and that she wanted to meet a friend at this bar. So she tried to make a call with my phone. We were waiting together, and waiting and waiting... taking one beer more and more... it was funny! But at one time in the night I thought, that I really have to go to bed know... So I could sleep very well, but it was a short sleep.

First Day
I get up at 6 a.m. to catch the tour bus. That was not the problem, but after I washed my teeth and want to go inside the room I can not find the key. F***! So I must go to the reception to become a second one. I was already in time and catch the bus.
The group look s well, there are two other Swiss guys, one from New Zealand, one from Japan and four Japanese women, one from Korea, two from Sweden and the tour guide! He is a young man and absolutely great!!! So we can start the tour.
We drive to the Pinnacle, this are stones who looking like cooks they are standing out of the sand! J After lunch and a long bus drive we are taking a swim on a great beach. We take the dinner on a typical Australian farmer’s farm. The farmer cooks very well!

Second Day
After a short night we started for a short drive to the Kalbarri National Park where we began the day with a bush walk to check out the magnificent views of the Murchison River. Then we took a bath in the river. After another bus drive we stoped to visit the Stromatolites (the oldest living thing on our planet) and the shell beach. One of the world largest shell beach. Onto Denham we made a stop on a bottle shop to buy the drinks for the evening. In Monkey Mia we made a BBQ and had a lot of fun in the evening. A night swim in the sea was a must!

Third Day

I got up early to see the feeding of the dolphins. They feed the dolphins every morning at 7 and 7.30 a.m. so the wild dolphins are coming there. But there were so many people at the beach to see that. The dolphins were swimming just some meters from the beach. It is not allowed to go into the water there, when the dolphins are there. But they swim a little bit next to you... I relaxed the rest of the morning at the beach and took more than one swim in the sea. My sun cream was also good enough here! Yeah I already got a little bit brown! After lunch we drove to the Shark Bay. There you have a great view and we could see some sharks. This night we stayed at another farm. The dinner was very good again. We played there games, told us some scary stories and went to bed...

Fourth Day

After a longer bus ride we left Australia, and entered the Hutt River Province. That is a state on his own. The population counts 2: Prince Leonard and his Princess. He really celebrates his state, so he makes a stomp into the passport and gave us a visa for 10 years!!! That’s great!!! He also showed us some hidden things in the passport. It’s interesting. So we took some photos of the government (his house, the only house there...)

We stoped also for a short sand boarding. That’s like snowboarding, just in the sand. But if you could snowboarding, skiing or “schlitteln” once in your life, then it’s boring! But it was funny to watch the others!

The next stop was the Greenough Wildlife Park. There we could feed different kinds of Kangaroos, Emus and Birds... It is a bit like the Tierpark Goldau in Switzerland. Then, one of the Park showed us the snakes. First he showed us the baby snakes, maybe of one meter length. We could take it into our hands. After that the man showed us the mama-snake. She is a little bit longer... maybe 3 meters. And we took her on the shoulders... I like these animals!!! I want to have a snake too! Lea, please prepare the terrarium... !!!

After that great experience we had a long drive back to Perth. It was really a great group and i think a made a lot of new friends. Even we trade our addresses to stay in contact. So, if one of the group is reading this: Thank you and if you will ever come to Switzerland, contact me!

In the evening I went downtown to eat something. After the dinner at Hungry Jack’s I went to the bed and read a little bit before a felt asleep. And dreamt of this wonderful tour!

That must be the paradise like.

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